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hotel rules

Animal Mother
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hotel rules Empty hotel rules

Post by Guest 13th September 2010, 10:49 am

1st I'm posting this message from my phone.

I will be working on the rules 2night when I get off work. The ones we talked about sat night. Exp... no smoke in stair way, midcap or low caps only, semi only no full auto, etc. Also about the full face masked? Did. We ever decide if it will b mandatory? If any thang any 1 under 18 musk wear a full face mask if they don't have 1 they don't play.

When I work on the rules it will b broken down like the field rules but not as long. Also I will post them on this topic for us 2 see first b4 everyone else so any changes can b made that need 2 b

Also need to some one jamie or howie or big d 2 do the wavier so we can get that out as well


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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Howie 13th September 2010, 11:58 am

Far as Face shield goes under 18 must have, Over 18 sealed goggles, I believe the insurance states that proper protection for Face as I understand that the insurance coverage is for paint ball.

Stairway rules:
Pistols only, No smoke, Should be spray painted as

Main area of Rooms with 50 X 150 Ft :
Semi Only with AEGS

Small rooms;
Pistols only, no smoke Should be spray painted as

NO SAWs within the buildings, No Snipers within the building, can shoot into or out of building just not while inside,

Wavier will have to come from Allout or Big D
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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Animal Mother 13th September 2010, 12:43 pm

A few rebuttals.

I would go ahead and allow aegs in the stairwells--as long as they ate shooting with in the fps of cqb limits. Most pistols shoot at that speed anyways. I know it seems intimidating but I'm sure everyone can handle it.

Another thing, not as crucial (and it's probably just symantics). But as far as sniper rifles and Saws go, they should be able to both shoot in AND out of the buildings; not just 'into'. The idea is they can't shoot within the same space they occupy; I.e. Same floor, wing, etc. Unless said support element is outdoors of course.

Then we will have to do rulings on destructive devices. I say do pull pin only to minimize burning of the environment or players. I will be ordering from a company that is supposed to have some affordable options. I'm going to post their website in the main hotel forum. I would also avoid using those impact grenades. Having something that needs to impact a hard surface can case problems as far as accidental injuries go.

I think that's all I have for now.
Animal Mother
Animal Mother
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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Guest 13th September 2010, 2:24 pm

Me and howie talked on the phone a few hours ago and we both where saying this about grenades or bangers in the stairway.

"That they are pending until admins test them out". So. What I'm saying is whenwhen we paly there on the 25. We will need a few peeps to test them out. Ginee pigs you can say to make sure they will b ok 2 use. I am more then willing to be a test subject.

I know all of us can take shots ponit blank' but what I'm thinking about are the young ones. Ie under 18. That is why I'm suggesting testing them on us and I have a few good ways to test (where 2 stand) in the stairways.

I don't see any prob with ne smoke bangers or grenades in the main floorsbof play plenty or room

What you guys think about that?


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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Fast 13th September 2010, 2:30 pm

On the sniper rifles within the same space- Are the holes in the floor going to be completely covered? If not this could lead to a 10 foot 400+ fps head and shoulders shot. What about a sniper policy like shoot:out from in and in from out but no in from in? Am I on the same page AM?

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Ziguca 13th September 2010, 2:31 pm

Not to be a kill joy but I would be very cautious on using pyro stuff in the buildings. I'm sure this is a old building and the wood is dryed. One ember unnoticed and you got a fire.

Second, smoke grenades might alarm people on the road passing by. It might draw attention with smoke coming from building. Thats just the fireman coming out in me Very Happy

Third, its prolly a good idea to let the near by police departments ie...Mobile PD, Spanish Fort PD, Daphne PD, and State Troopers know that we are going to be playing there. If a cop pulls up and see a guy wearing tactical uniform with a gun, something bad might happen. I'm just saying..... Laughing

As far as the weapons use in or out. I'll go with the flow.

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Fast 13th September 2010, 2:34 pm

I will be a test dummy if you need one.

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Fast 13th September 2010, 2:36 pm

Good points Zig.

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Howie 13th September 2010, 2:56 pm

THe Police department was notified last saturday, and they are cool with it, thanks ziguca, as will and me talk we do need to put an sign out at the road also to inform the public so as the police do not get a bunch of useless phone calls
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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Ziguca 13th September 2010, 3:08 pm

FYI Howie...You can just call me Zig. Laughing Its been a nickname I've had for years. The uca is just my online gamer tags. Just a habit when I sign on a forum to use the same name all the time.

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Animal Mother 13th September 2010, 5:30 pm

Zig brings up a good point about the smoke displacement. Didn't quite think about it. Don't have to worry about fires out there, its pretty much all concrete. The pyro I linked to has little if any flame induction. I should have some by the 25th to try out since Im ordering some for another OP. I will have both the smoke and frags. If someone would like to pickup some of the Thermobaric flashbangs, then we would have everything covered. I wouldn't get any of their more powerful flash bangs, they might cause ears to bleed.
Animal Mother
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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Animal Mother 13th September 2010, 6:29 pm

Sorry for the double post, but I just got off the phone with Dino, and I thought I would share some of the things we discussed, what he said made sense and I agree with the things he said. I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings.

First of all, I think this site should be 18 and older. The is a whole new ball game, play type will be more aggressive and more fast-paced than field play, and of course, tempers will flare a lot quicker as well. The stress level will be up and there are certain dangers that adults will account for that a child might not. When you engage a target, you usually will aim for center mass, and sometimes that might be a shot right to a juvenile's face. The only exception will be Jesse, of course, because he's Allout's kid and he's one of us. He will always be the exception.

Secondly, frags, bangers, and even smokes should be able to be used everywhere, including stairwells. These items are used to sway the tactical advantage of the team that uses them, so we should be able to use them in whichever way possible, as long as it doesn't cause bodily harm. If that means throwing a smoke in the stairwell, then fine, you're gonna have to hall ass out of the stairwell to not choke or just hold your breath. If there is a stubborn opponent in a nice blind spot in the stairs, why should I send 5 guys to get shot when I could just smoke him out? Like I said, this is a different ball game.

Lastly, is the semi auto rule. Both dino and I believe we should try full auto; at least a few games at least and see how it goes. If you add this in conjunction with the midcap rule, those who shoot full auto will have to do reloads more often and therefore will run out of ammo quicker. As long as guns are shooting at the proper FPS, there shouldn't really be any problem. Just an idea, personally, I don't mind sticking with semi. Also you have to understand that semi will also put more wear and tear on your gun than full auto (unless you have a mosfet installed).

Still thinking on the whole smoke thing, I don't think it'll be a big deal unless it blows over to the causeway, lol. When I get mine in, we'll test them out.

Howie or Allout, I recommend buying their "Grenadier Sample Pack".
Animal Mother
Animal Mother
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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by allout 13th September 2010, 6:44 pm

i do want to try the full auto , been thinking of the smoke and think you are right about it being used anywhere , still need to get everyone on board with it. been thinking of age as well maybe stop it at 16 that way they can drive them selfs but this is something we all need to go over , i really like everyone putting in on this good team work to make this the place to be

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Guest 13th September 2010, 7:15 pm

ok here let me add the rules.

1. All guns (including pistols) must shot under 350 fps.

2. Saw's or sniper rifles can only be used if your shooting out or into the building, CAN NOT be used on the floor of play. Sniper rifles must shot under 450 to be used.

3. Pistols can only be green gas or propane. NO co2 or red gas

4. Grenades, Smoke bombs & Bangers ***PENDING ADMIN TESTING AT THIS TIME***


6. Guns must remain in gun cases until you are in the hotel ground level.

7. All guns ( including pistols ) will be chronod as you walk in to play, and if you leave the play area with you gun you will have to re chrono again.


9. NO HIGH CAPS. Midcap's or Lowcaps only

plz give your input add something so we can get this up asap since we have a game on the 25th

Last edited by Steelwill on 15th September 2010, 4:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Ziguca 13th September 2010, 7:31 pm

Question???? I don't have that many midcap mags and the CQB gun I use is hard to find replacement mags. Any problem with me using my highcap with it filled to a quarter or less. scratch It only holds 200 rounds so thats roughly 50-75 rounds.

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Guest 13th September 2010, 7:33 pm

call me zig


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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Animal Mother 13th September 2010, 7:43 pm

Looks good, Will. I think we should figure out about ROF and the Destructive Devices next game, and then after that, post the official rules.
Animal Mother
Animal Mother
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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Guest 13th September 2010, 7:59 pm

well we want to get these rules up so we dont have people showing up with all high caps or wanting to play with guns shotting over 350. just getting the basic general rules out there will be a big plus

fyi to tall i talked to zig on the phone and explaned no high caps period. i even hooked him up with a few links for mid caps Very Happy.


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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Ziguca 13th September 2010, 9:19 pm

Disreguard, last post. Steelwill helped me find some midcaps. Ordered tonight...Hopefully they will be here in time. Very Happy

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Howie 13th September 2010, 9:42 pm

I do like your points and makes sense to me Animal Mother, the BB grenade can be try out before everybody shows up.
Animal Mother, I figure we could once the Down payment for insurance is cover , we could maybe bring down the fee to 20.00 dollars per person, I do believe the CQB will start off good, and grow. Another thing is have an Small raffle to give away, get box of mid caps or something, then using the wilcox as another giveaway, I thinking like doing five giveaways with three free plays at wilcox or something like that? I like the rules that are posted, as animal mother say we will have to play an few times to work the bugs out.

Zig! I have about 6 more of the 79 round G&G mags/ flawless feeding I can let go for 10.00 dollars a piece

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by dino 13th September 2010, 11:16 pm



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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Guest 14th September 2010, 8:10 pm

is every one ok with the rules? if so ill post them up tommorrow night when i get home from work. ill give 1 more night of us looking at them


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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Animal Mother 14th September 2010, 9:08 pm

I would adjust the FPS for sniper rifles. Let them be the standard 550 fps. They will usually be out of their usual MED. If you try to force 450, people won't be able to use their already super-tuned sniper weapons.
Animal Mother
Animal Mother
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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Ziguca 15th September 2010, 9:41 am

Howie wrote:
Zig! I have about 6 more of the 79 round G&G mags/ flawless feeding I can let go for 10.00 dollars a piece

MP5 mags??? or M4???? I need MP5 that fits Tokyo Marui, Classic Army, JG, Matrix, Echo1, JG, G&G, ICS and other compatible models.

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hotel rules Empty Re: hotel rules

Post by Ziguca 15th September 2010, 9:46 am

One more thing...... Are we shooting ourself in the foot with the 350 fps rule? Most peoples gun run higher than that. Crappy guns from Walmart will run higher than that. I'm just worried that people won't come cuz they ain't got the gun to play. I'm kinda worried that my gun will pass.

I know we are trying to make it safe for playing indoors but not sure that everyone can meet these standards. Very Happy

Joe High Caps
Joe High Caps

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